Graphics: Architectural Rendering, Logo Creation, Concept Design, Portrait, Product Art, Heraldry Art, Patent Illustration, Copyright, Packaging, Book Illustration, Album Cover, Art Specialty Signs of any kind.
Computer Graphics: Web Design, Flash Animation, Photo Repair, Image Manipulation
Hand Illustration: Painting Most Mediums, Carving; Tombstone, Leather, Airbrush, Custom Vehicle Painting
Photography: Commercial, Architectural, Portrait , Surveillance,Aerial Photography
Writing: Speech, Presentation, Advertisement Content and Copy, Article, Story, Technical, Screenplay, Song Writing, Jingle
Technical: Computer Troubleshooting and Repair, Networking, Custom Build Computers, Web Video conferencing
Book Production and Formatting: I take your book in raw form and make it ready to print.
Clients will sometimes try to simplify pricing by using hourly rates or getting the lowest bid.
However, prices are subject to the laws of economics;
the more experienced or skilled talent can generally demand a better price.
Experience and style level of freelancer
Amount of ideas presented
Reworking and variations
Usage rights
Development time allotted
Labor time involved Volume prices
Technical expertise required
Elements and size
Overhead involved
Local, national or international client
Trade or consumer market ·
·I welcome e-mailed price suggestions or additions that would make this guide more useful.
· For details on illustration pricing, we refer you to the Handbook of Pricing and Ethical Guidelines.
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